Brazed Process Liquid Cooling Plates

Brazing is a method of connecting the welds by using a metal brazing filler metal with a lower melting point than the weld metal, heating the weldment and the brazing filler metal to a temperature higher than the brazing filler metal and lower than the melting temperature of the weldment, and using the liquid brazing filler metal to wet the weldment metal, fill the joint gap, and diffuse with the parent metal.



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Design reference:

Common materials for brazed liquid cooling plates: Al1100, Al3003, Al6061, Al6063, Cu1100, Cu1020.

Internal fin structure: machined fins, folded fins, stamped fins, extruded fins, Skived fins

Application status:

The brazed liquid cold plate has high welding reliability, the internal flow channel size and path can be freely designed, the heat exchange efficiency is high, and heat sources can be arranged on both sides of the cold plate. It is very suitable for thermal management products with high power density, irregular heat source layout, and limited space; the one-piece aluminum structure can be applied to a variety of surface treatment methods. Brazed liquid cold plates require special welding fixtures, and the process threshold is relatively high.

Vansim provides more reference suggestions for your brazing cold plate design.


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