FSW Process Liquid Cold Plates

Why use FSW liquid cooling plate?

Its flexible flow channel selection can give your thermal design more space to choose.
Choosing the right flow channel can optimize your thermal design. Vansim provides you with a reliable manufacturing option for your design.



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Friction welding technology is widely used and practical in the field of liquid cooling, Enabling the Manufacture and Application of many water-cooling designs.

Vansim takes you to intuitively experience the application of friction welding technology on water cold plates.

Flow channel profile structure

FSW effect cross section

Application status:

Friction stir welding technology is a solid-phase connection technology. This welding method does not require solder or flux, so the friction welding liquid cold plate will not have the phenomenon of water channels being blocked by foreign matter such as solder. The friction stir welding weld can reach or approach the strength of the parent material, and the product reliability is high. The friction stir welding process can weld different grades of aluminum materials together, providing more design possibilities; the flow channel structure design is flexible, the heat dissipation performance is good, and the one-piece aluminum structure can be applied to a variety of surface treatment methods.

Vansim will use its many years of manufacturing experience of FSW apply for liquid cooling plate to provide you with more reference suggestions

More varieties FSW liquid cold plates :

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FSW Process
Copper tube process
Water Block
Brazed Process
Deep drilling process